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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Global Health Insurance?

Global Health Insurance is a type of health insurance plan designed to work on an international basis.

A Global Health Insurance policy is usually purchased by individuals, families, or groups living outside of their home country for more than 6 months of every year.


I live in my country of citizenship, can I buy Global Health Insurance?

Global Health Insurance plans are designed for expatriates – individuals, families or groups who are currently living outside of their home country or country of citizenship.

If you are residing in your home country, then it is not usually possible for you to purchase a Global Health Insurance policy.

This means that an American national living in the USA, a British national living in the United Kingdom, or a Nigerian national living in Nigeria would not be able to purchase a Global Health Insurance policy and would need to look at locally available health insurance options.

The exception to this rule is for Hong Kong nationals living in Hong Kong.


Can CCW Global provide local health insurance options around the world?

Cooper Claridge-Ware is able to provide Global Health Insurance plans around the world.

We are currently unable to provide local health insurance options anywhere other than Hong Kong.

If you wish to obtain a local health insurance plan outside of Hong Kong please contact an alternate intermediary.


I am currently living in my home country but plan to move overseas soon, what about me?

CCW Global can help you obtain suitable Global Health Insurance protection for when you move overseas. We will help you to identify the best possible policy for your specific requirements and ensure that the plan is in force when you relocate to your destination country.

However, it is important to note that Global Health Insurance coverage cannot usually cover you if you are still residing in your country of citizenship, and will usually require that you have a residential address in a country other than your country of citizenship.


Free International Insurance Advice

If you have any additional questions about global health insurance or life insurance, or if you would like to learn more about the international insurance services offered by CCW Global, please Contact Us to speak with an expert broker today.

Alternatively, please complete this short form to request a free quote comparison now. 

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